Friday, May 29, 2009

Beautiful Garden of Prayer

Theres a garden where Jesus is waiting,

there's a place that is wond'rously fair;

for it glows with the light of His presence,

'tis the beautiful garden of prayer,

There's a garden where Jesus is waiting,

and I go with my burden and care;

just to learn from his lips words of comfort,

in the beautiful garden of prayer.

There's a garden where Jesus is waiting,

and He bids you to come meet Him there,

In the beautiful garden of prayer...



Margaret Dashwood said...

Beautiful pictures and hymn!!

The Reynolds said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You finally POSTED!! Great pictures & I love that song.. Luv, Kay

The Reynolds said...

Yay Aganina!(w/ Kayla's promptings!!) :) Are those your flowers? That is such a good song.


The Sorta Zoo! said...

Hello you all,
No those flowers are not ares I took them at home depot:) I love that song to! hopfully it won't be so long between posts...pray for me tonight, I have to play in a recitail:/ Thanks for the comments:)


The Sorta Zoo! said...

P.s Ju if your asking if I took the pics, I did. pray our camera comes soon...It in the shop getting fixed 'cause the lens is loose.
Me again

Amy said...

I love, love, LOVE the appple blossoms! Glad you didn't totally fall off the edge of the world. I did begin to wonder. Thanks for the hymn.I'm so thankful for that garden always there always available all the time for every need and best of all our Lord who is there tomeet us!